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March 10, 2017 1 min read

Fortunately, we have seen many kids enjoy the Space Scooter with much more pleasure in recent years. Rides to the sports club, daily to school or purely to 'Space-Scootering' after each other in free time.

Well, the Space Scooters, especially in daily and intensive use, get a lot of blows in the weather and no weather, under good and bad conditions or an accident in a small corner. Unfortunately, there is sometimes a defect and unfortunate, but where .., not every mom or dad, neighbor or bicycle repairman knows an immediate solution! We at Space Scooter therefore offer a repair service from this season. The costs are kept as low as possible and the refurbishment of your Space Scooter will be maximum! For example, the actual defect / dysfunction is of course remedied by replacing or adjusting parts, looking at the overall condition (think of checking loose parts or applying lubrication where necessary) and any external user traces that can be repaired to restore your Space Prepare scooter completely for a new '' driving season '' full of Space Scooter fun!

View the range of repairs in our (click on the link) webshop , inquire by email: support@spacescooter.eu or by phone at 072-8502601.
